With Republicans taking over the Senate in the new year already threatening to impose new sanctions on Iran—which would almost certainly sabotage the ongoing diplomacy—it’s more important than ever for pro-diplomacy Senators to speak out in support of the extension in the talks.
That’s why, since the extension was announced on November 24, Just Foreign Policy has been urging Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren to make their support known.
Earlier today, I—along with Vermont physician David Hobbs and JFP volunteer Anke Voss—met with Philip Fiermonte, Sen. Sanders’ State Director, at the Senator’s Burlington office. We delivered petitions with over 150 Vermont signatures and informed Fiermonte that more than 250 Vermonters have sent letters to the Senator over the last few weeks urging him to make a public statement.
Help us continue to defend diplomacy in the new year by making a $15 (or more!) tax-deductible donation today!
During the meeting, Dr. Hobbs—who came 20 miles to attend—urged Sen. Sanders to speak up for peace, noting the terrible consequences that recent wars have had on the peoples of the Middle East.
Fiermonte acknowledged our concerns and read from a message which Sen. Sanders’ Washington staff had sent ahead of the meeting, saying that Sen. Sanders supports continued diplomatic engagement with Iran, supports the extension of the interim agreement with Iran, and opposes new sanctions now that would undermine the talks—exactly what we were asking him to say. Fiermonte promised to send a letter to me after the holidays, which will help us in our fight to defend diplomacy.
We plan to do a similar delivery to Sen. Warren’s office in Springfield in the new year, plus much more to build support for the Iran talks. If you like what we’re doing, help support us. We’re still trying to raise $11,350 before the end of the year. Will you help by making a $15 (or more!) tax-deductible donation today?
If you would like to send a check instead, here’s our address:
Just Foreign Policy
4410 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, #290
Washington, DC 20016
And if you haven’t already, join our joint campaign with Daily Kos, the Nation, Win Without War, and others calling on Senators to oppose new sanctions and other efforts to kill the Iran talks:
Thank you for all you do to help promote and protect diplomacy,
Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy