You can never be sure what the Senate will vote on and when they will vote on it. But currently, a vote on the Paul-Murphy-Lee-Franken resolution to disapprove the Saudi arms deal is expected Tuesday.
Call your Senator now at (202) 224-3121. When you reach a staffer or leave a message, you can say something like,
“I urge you to vote YES on SJ Res 39, the Paul-Murphy-Lee-Franken resolution to disapprove the Saudi arms deal.”
When you’ve made your call, please report it below.
Human Rights Watch says hundreds of civilians—including at least 200 children—have been killed so far in U.S.-enabled unlawful Saudi airstrikes in Yemen. But despite extensive documentation by Human Rights Watch of these violations, the US continues to fuel the conflict. After selling over $20 billion dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia in 2015, some in Washington want to add another $1.15 billion dollars in arms sales.
That why Human Rights Watch is calling on the Senate to pass the Paul-Murphy-Lee-Franken resolution. Call your Senator at (202) 224-3121 now. Report your call below.