On June 13, only five Democratic Senators voted to keep arming Saudi Arabia’s famine-inducing war in Yemen: Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Mark Warner of Virginia, Bill Nelson of Florida, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. The vote was 47-53. If these five Democrats had voted with the Senate Democratic leadership and the majority of Senate Democrats – that is, if they had voted like Democrats, like they did on Trumpcare – the Senate would have voted to block the Saudi arms deal.
Senator Todd Young [R-IN] and Senator Jeff Merkley [D-OR] have introduced amendments on the National Defense Authorization Act [NDAA] which would block the arming of Saudi Arabia’s war crimes in Yemen. Senator Young’s amendment would prohibit any arms transfers to Saudi Arabia until the Saudis stop bombing hospitals and stop blocking humanitarian aid. Senator Merkley’s amendment would prohibit the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia.
Call your Senator now at (202) 224-3121. When you reach a staffer or leave a message, you can say something like:
“Stop arming Saudi war crimes in Yemen. Co-sponsor the Young and Merkley amendments.”
When you’ve made your call, please report it below.
And if you haven’t signed our petition to the “five Saudi Dems” yet, please do that here.