Exciting news from Switzerland: the US, our international partners, and Iran have agreed on a framework for an Iran nuclear deal!
This latest development proves that diplomacy is working. But even with this landmark success, Republicans in Congress will continue to try to derail a final deal. In particular, two pieces of legislation Republicans are trying to push through the Senate—the Kirk-Menendez sanctions bill (S. 269) and the Corker-Menendez bill (S. 615)—will likely be considered shortly after Congress returns to DC on April 14. (Check to see whether your Senators are co-sponsors by following the appropriate links.)
But Republicans can’t kill an Iran deal without help from Democrats. In order to secure a veto-proof majority, Republicans in the Senate need to recruit at least 13 Democrats to support their anti-diplomacy bills.
Republicans are trying to recruit your Dem Senator to help them kill the deal—which means they need to hear from you.
Call your Senator NOW at (202) 224-3121 and say:
The US, our international partners, and Iran have agreed on a framework for an Iran nuclear deal. Diplomacy is working. I urge Sen. _____ to OPPOSE the Kirk-Menendez bill (S. 269), the Corker-Menendez bill (S. 615), and consideration of any other legislation that could compromise a deal until after the June 30 deadline. I also urge Sen. _____ to speak out in support of the framework agreed upon in Switzerland.
When you’re done, report your call using the form below.