The country is abuzz over the open letter 47 Republican Senators sent to Iranian leadership on Monday warning them that they will try to reverse any deal after Obama leaves office. President Obama accused the signers of making “common cause with the hard-liners in Iran”, while Sen. Dick Durbin said Republicans should “think twice about whether their political stunt is worth the threat of another war in the Middle East.” Major media outlets that just a few years ago rattled their rhetorical saber at Iran are now calling out Republicans for trying to derail the talks and push us toward war.
Democrats can no longer claim ignorance of Republican intentions. Any Democrat who supports legislation such as the Corker-Graham (S. 615) and Kirk-Menendez (S. 269) bills needs to know that such support is equivalent to supporting Republicans in undermining President Obama and killing the Iran deal. As Sen. Tom Cotton, the originator of the incendiary letter, told a Heritage Action event in January, “the end of these negotiations isn’t an unintended consequence of congressional action. It is very much an intended consequence.”
But Republicans can’t kill the Iran deal without the help of Democrats. In order to secure a veto-proof majority on any of the bills before the Senate, Republicans need to recruit at least 13 Democratic supporters.
Call your Senators NOW at (202) 224-3121 and say
“I urge Sen. _________ to OPPOSE S. 269 and S. 615, which would have dangerous consequences for the ongoing negotiations with Iran. The letter 47 Republican Senators sent to Iranian leaders on Monday makes clear that Republicans do not intend for these bills to support diplomacy, but to kill it. Please don’t help Republicans sabotage these talks and push us closer to war.”
When you’re done, report your call using the form below.