House Must Sanction Bachmann for Anti-Muslim McCarthyism
To Protect U.S. Interests, Replace Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorists on the House Intelligence Committee
Dear Speaker Boehner and Leader Pelosi:
We write out of concern for the impact on U.S. interests in the Muslim world of the actions of some Members of Congress in promoting anti-Muslim conspiracy theories suggesting that top U.S. officials who are Muslim-American are part of a Muslim Brotherhood plot to infiltrate the U.S. government.
As you are aware, Reps. Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Thomas Rooney and Lynn Westmoreland recently wrote to various government agencies and asked them to investigate the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on U.S. officials who are Muslim-American, targeting top State Department official Huma Abedin and several advisers to the Department of Homeland Security.
As you are also no doubt aware, the promotion of these conspiracy theories by Members of Congress has been cited by conspiracy theorists in Egypt as evidence for the claim that the U.S. government has deliberately helped engineer the electoral success of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This has come at a time when the U.S. government has worked hard to avoid any public perception that it is backing one faction over another in Egypt’s nascent democracy.
The United States Government spends significant resources in the Muslim world working to combat various conspiracy theories, such as the claim that the U.S. government has engineered the electoral success of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. By promoting these conspiracy theories, these Members of Congress are undermining U.S. policy in the region.
Just as many Americans are not familiar with the roles and significance of various officials in foreign governments, many people in other countries are not familiar with the roles and significance of various officials in the U.S. government. The promotion of these conspiracy theories by Members of Congress can thus have an outsized influence in the Muslim world compared to the influence of these same Members of Congress in U.S. domestic politics.
The leadership of the House doesn’t get to choose who voters in a particular district elect to Congress. But the leadership of the House does get to choose who serves on the House Intelligence Committee. Three of these five Members of Congress – Reps. Michele Bachmann, Thomas Rooney, and Lynn Westmoreland – currently serve on the House Intelligence Committee. Their tenure on the Intelligence Committee – where they have oversight over U.S. intelligence agencies – can be cited in the Muslim world as giving credence to their conspiracy theories among people who have limited knowledge about how the U.S. government works. Rep. Bachmann’s advocacy of these conspiracy theories is particularly damaging to U.S. interests because of her greater prominence, including the fact that for a time she was taken seriously as a presidential candidate.
Despite considerable criticism across the political spectrum, these Members of Congress have refused to disavow their actions.
We therefore urge you to act to replace them as Members of the Intelligence Committee.
cc: Mike Rogers, chair, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Dutch Ruppersberger, Ranking Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Signers [in formation]:
Samuel M. Hoskinson, Former Vice Chairman of the National Intelligence Council; National Intelligence Officer for the Middle East and South Asia; former senior member of the National Security Council staff in three presidential Administrations; former Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs
Haviland Smith, Retired CIA Station Chief, Chief of the Counterterrorism Staff and Executive Assistant in the Director’s office
William C. Harrop, Former Inspector General, Department of State, former U.S ambassador to Guinea, Kenya, Zaire and Israel
Dennis Jett, former Ambassador to Mozambique and Peru, Professor of International Affairs, Penn State University
Pat Kushlis, US Foreign Service Officer (Ret.), cowriter, WhirledView
Timothy Towell, former Ambassador to Paraguay
Stephen Kinzer, Professor of International Relations, Boston University
Juan Cole, Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History, University of Michigan
Ervand Abrahamian, Distinguished Professor of History, City University of New York
Kenneth Cuno, Associate Professor of History and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Illinois
Hadi S. Esfahani, Professor of Economics, University of Illinois
Carolyn Eisenberg, Professor of US foreign policy, Hofstra University
B. Welling Hall, Plowshares Professor of Peace Studies, Pericles Professor of Civic Engagement, Earlham College
Matthew P. Hoh, Senior Fellow, Center for International Policy
Gareth Porter, Investigative journalist and historian
Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action
Jon Rainwater, Executive Director, Peace Action West
Mark Weisbrot, co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
John Feffer, author, Crusade 2.0: The West’s Resurgent War on Islam
Robert Naiman, Policy Director, Just Foreign Policy