Earlier today, Palestinian nonviolent activists established a new tent village called al-Manatir in the West Bank village of Burin, near Nablus, to protest Israeli plans to confiscate village land for settlement development. Soon after, Israeli soldiers and settlers from two nearby settlements, Yitzhar and Bracha, entered the village. As the Associated Press reports, Burin has frequently been the target of settler violence from the nearby settlements. After the soldiers and settlers arrived at the scene, clashes subsequently broke out. The AFP reports that the Israeli soldiers “used tear gas and violence” to remove the protesters and settlers from the encampment. Haaretz reports that live ammunition was fired into the air, though the IDF denies this. In the end, five Palestinians and one settler were arrested.
The IDF has closed off the area and is preventing anyone from re-entering al-Manatir, but news is still coming in via Twitter. Now is the time to spread the word. Here’s what you can do:
1. If you’re on Twitter, retweet news coming in from #AlManatir
2. Share these articles:
- “Clashes in West Bank village after Palestinians erect protest camp,” Jack Khoury, Gili Cohen and the Associated Press, February 2, 2013, http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/clashes-in-west-bank-village-after-palestinians-erect-protest-camp.premium-1.500960
- “Palestinians evicted from West Bank protest camp,” AFP, February 2, 2013, http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hBA5zNgSOF1HeGVXbjgQWleQr–Q?docId=CNG.080187721352f1c2b6b1f4dbc6e0a3fe.381
- “Israeli forces dismantle Palestinian encampment, clash with activists,” Associated Press, February 2, 2013, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/israeli-forces-dismantle-palestinian-encampment-clash-with-activists/2013/02/02/811be4c0-6d30-11e2-8f4f-2abd96162ba8_story.html
3. Read and share our factsheet on the protest villages and land confiscation:
Get the Facts: Land Confiscation and the Palestinian Protest Villages
Thanks for all you do to help raise the profile of Palestinian nonviolent resistance to land confiscation!
Megan Iorio and Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
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