Through its parenting education programs, Families First promotes the secure and nurturing parent-child relationships that are the foundation of every child’s well-being and future success.
Our vision is that every child is secure, confident, resilient, and able to seize opportunities and succeed. We are working to create a world where all children are loved, guided, and supported by strong, knowledgeable, and collaborative parents, caregivers, schools, and communities.
Since 1988, Families First has been a leader in providing parenting education across the Greater Boston area. The organization was founded by Wheelock College and the Boston Children’s Museum in 1988 with the goal of helping parents navigate the diverse challenges of raising children by providing research-based parenting education services.
In 1998, Families First was incorporated as an independent Massachusetts nonprofit corporation. Then, in the early 2000s, we began to target our services specifically to families in under-resourced communities.
Last year, we provided parenting education and support for almost 700 families in need, benefiting more than 1,400 children. For these families, stronger parenting skills will lead to parent-child relationships that set their children on a path to success.