Over the last few weeks, we’ve been recalling our highest achievements of 2013. But our greatest success this year? You.
Yes, you are our greatest success. In 2013, Just Foreign Policy has increased its membership by a factor of three. This is not just a figure to boast about. It translates to real impact.
Last year, when we put out a call to action, we would usually get around 3,000 people to respond. This year, our petitions have attracted 15,000 to over 30,000 signatures. That’s a huge difference.
When we act collectively, we are able to speak with a resounding voice. That translates to real wins. It’s not a coincidence that 2013 has been our most successful year. It’s all because of you.
But maintaining a membership this size requires more funding than we’ve needed in previous years. That’s why we’ve set a goal of raising $25,000 by the end of December. And you know what? We’re pretty confident that we can make it. But only if you help us get there.
So if you value what we do, help fund it. Will you make a $10 (or more!) tax-deductible donation to Just Foreign Policy?
If you would like to send a check instead, here’s our address:
Just Foreign Policy
4410 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, #290
Washington, DC 20016
Thank you for all you do to promote a more just US foreign policy,
Megan Iorio, Chelsea Mozen and Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy