Yesterday afternoon, the Middle East Issues Committee of the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted decisively 45-20 to endorse divestment from three companies—Caterpillar, Motorola, and Hewlett-Packard—that play a role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The resolution now moves on to the General Assembly where it is expected to be taken up either Thursday or Friday.
From what we’ve seen in the last few days, one of the biggest worries of some Presbyterians is how it will look to the outside world if they should divest. That’s why it’s important that as many of us as possible raise our voices in support of their efforts to take their money out of companies participating in violence and injustice.
Let’s continue to show Presbyterians we’ve got their backs! Here are some suggestions for action:
1. Join the Thunderclap. By signing up with either your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr account, Thunderclap will send out one (and only one!) message on your behalf at noon eastern time Thursday, June 19.
2. Tweet our petition on #ChurchDivest and #GA221 hashtags. Let General Assembly participants know that over 15,000 people have made their support for divestment known. Just copy and paste this message into twitter:
Over 15,000 sign statement supporting #ChurchDivest #GA221 via @justfp
If you don’t use social media…
1. Watch some of the testimonials we’ve gathered. We are continuing to collect video testimonials from the diverse group of people here in Detroit supporting divestment. Watch a few and share them with your friends.
2. Tell five friends to sign our petition. Here’s some sample text to use to email them:
On Wednesday, the Middle East Issues Committee of the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted decisively 45-20 to endorse divestment from three companies-Caterpillar, Motorola, and Hewlett-Packard-that play a role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The resolution now moves on to the General Assembly where it is expected to be taken up Friday afternoon.
If the Presbyterian Church passes divestment, it would be a historic victory. Will you join me in supporting Presbyterians taking a stand for justice by signing this petition?
For the latest developments on Presbyterian divestment, watch #ChurchDivest on Twitter and follow us @justfp. Also watch our tumblr for more testimonials from divestment supporters here in Detroit.
Thanks for all you do to support Palestinian rights,
Megan Iorio and Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
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