Roll Call reports: “Because of the strength of [Sanders’] campaign, his opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership has now become accepted Democratic policy, even as President Barack Obama continues to support it.”
Call Debbie Wasserman Schultz now at 202-225-7931. When you reach a staffer or leave a message, you can say something like,
“I urge Debbie Wasserman Schultz to stand with Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other Democrats in publicly opposing the TPP and opposing any lame duck vote on the TPP after the election.”
When you’ve made your call, please report it below.
Politico reported:
In his prime-time moment on Monday night … Sanders went one by one through the platform’s central provisions, including its “strong opposition to job-killing free trade agreements like the TPP.”
The crowd cheered, and some began chanting “No TPP! No TPP!” Sanders tried to move on, but the chanters kept at it; many waved anti-TPP signs.
Sanders started again, then stopped; then pointed at the crowd, laughed, gave a thumbs up — and finally made his second TPP point: “We’ve got to make sure that TPP does not get to the floor of the Congress during the lame duck session.” (More cheering.)
Politico also reported:
CLINTON TRADE ADVISER: TPP’S TIME HAS PASSED: A top economic adviser to Hillary Clinton said earlier Monday in Philly that the presumptive Democratic nominee will put the maligned trade deal and other new trade initiatives in the rear-view mirror if elected — focusing instead on “things that are clear job creators.” Gene Sperling, a former White House adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, told Pro Trade’s Adam Behsudi that Clinton’s priorities will be things like infrastructure, immigration reform, higher education relief and family medical leave.
“What she has said is she is against it now, she is against in the lame duck and she’s against it afterwards, and I do believe that when she starts her administration, she is going to want to be focused on unifying Democrats,” Sperling said.
Please call Rep. Wassserman Schultz at 202-225-7931 now and ask her to come out now against the TPP.
When you’ve made your call, please report it below.