164 Democrats and 40 Republicans voted yes on Rep. Conyers’ amendment barring the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. The amendment was defeated 204-216. A switch of merely seven votes would have passed the amendment. We want those Reps. to know they have constituents who appreciate their vote and urge them to go further by co-sponsoring, if they haven’t already, the Lieu-Yoho bill (HJR 90) to increase oversight over arms transfers to Saudi Arabia.
If your Representative voted yes, call your Representative now at (202) 224-3121. When you reach a staffer or leave a message, you can say something like:
“I thank Rep. ______ for voting to stop sending cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. I urge Rep ______ to co-sponsor the bipartisan Lieu-Yoho bill, HJR 90, to increase oversight over weapons transfers to Saudi Arabia.”
When you’ve made your call, please report it below.
And if you haven’t yet signed our petition to Congress in support of the Lieu-Yoho/Murphy-Paul bill, you can do that here.